Big Hunter

Big Hunter
Android Ios
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  • Updated Date

    Jul 15, 2022

  • Size

    99.61 MB

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  • Version


  • Updated Date

    Nov 1, 2023

  • Size

    154.4 MB




Big Hunter is an exciting and action-packed mobile game that thrusts players into the role of a prehistoric hunter, tasked with taking down mammoth-sized prey using spears and skill. With its primal setting, challenging gameplay, and impressive visuals, Big Hunter offers an engaging and thrilling gaming experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the game's mechanics, provide strategic tips for success, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and highlight the key features that make it a standout title in the world of mobile gaming.

Big Hunter is an action game with a straightforward but exhilarating premise:

Hunting: Players control a prehistoric hunter armed with spears and must take down massive and powerful creatures such as mammoths, wild boars, and more.

Spear mechanics: Players use swipe gestures to aim and throw their spears. The spears can be launched at different angles and strengths, requiring precision and timing for successful hits.

Varied prey: Each level presents different prey, each with its unique behaviors, attack patterns, and weaknesses that players must learn to exploit.

Crafting and upgrades: As players progress, they can craft and upgrade their spears to become more effective in the hunt.

Challenging environment: Environmental factors like terrain and weather can impact the hunt, creating additional challenges.

Missions and achievements: The game includes missions and achievements that offer objectives and rewards for successful completion.

To become a successful big game hunter in Big Hunter, consider these tips and strategies:

Aim carefully: Precision is key. Take your time to aim accurately before throwing your spear. This is especially important when dealing with larger and tougher prey.

Learn prey patterns: Each type of prey behaves differently. Observe their movements and attack patterns, and plan your attacks accordingly.

Mind the environment: Environmental factors can affect your hunt. Pay attention to factors like the terrain and weather, as they can influence your prey's behavior.

Upgrade wisely: Invest in spear upgrades that enhance your damage and accuracy. Prioritize the upgrades that align with your playstyle and help you tackle tougher prey.

Complete missions: Fulfilling in-game missions can earn you valuable rewards, such as crafting materials and currency. Keep an eye on your objectives and work towards completing them.

Use power shots: The game features power shots that can deal massive damage. Save these for more formidable foes or when you need a guaranteed hit.

Master the spear curve: Experiment with different throwing angles to get a feel for the spear's trajectory. Understanding how your spears arc through the air is crucial for hitting moving prey.

Stay patient: Patience is essential in Big Hunter. Don't rush your throws, especially in the face of a charging or evasive prey.

Stay adaptable: Be prepared to adjust your strategy. Different prey may require different tactics and strategies, so stay adaptable in your approach.

Big Hunter offers an adrenaline-pumping and challenging gaming experience, but it also has its strengths and weaknesses:


Thrilling gameplay: Big Hunter's gameplay is intense and heart-pounding, requiring precision and skill to take down massive prey.

Impressive visuals: The game features stunning visuals and animations that immerse players in the prehistoric hunting world.

Varied prey: Each type of prey offers unique challenges, requiring players to adapt their tactics and approach.

Crafting and upgrades: The crafting and upgrade system adds depth and progression to the game, allowing players to improve their hunting capabilities.

Environmental elements: The inclusion of environmental elements adds a layer of complexity to the gameplay, making it more engaging.


Repetitive gameplay: Some players may find the gameplay repetitive, as the core objective remains the same throughout.

Difficulty spike: The difficulty can spike, especially as players advance through the game. Some may find it challenging to progress without making in-game purchases.

In-app purchases: The game offers in-app purchases, which may be necessary for players who wish to advance quickly or ease the difficulty.

Big Hunter stands out as an action-packed mobile game for several reasons:

Pulse-pounding gameplay: The heart-pounding gameplay, where players take on massive prey with spears, creates an intense and thrilling experience.

Impressive visuals: The game's stunning graphics and animations transport players to a visually captivating prehistoric world.

Varied prey: Each type of prey presents a unique challenge, requiring players to adapt and refine their hunting strategies.

Progression system: The crafting and upgrade system adds depth and progression, motivating players to keep honing their hunting skills.

Environmental factors: The inclusion of environmental elements adds an additional layer of complexity and strategy to the game, enhancing the overall experience.

In conclusion, Big Hunter offers an exciting and challenging gaming experience, with its heart-pounding gameplay, impressive visuals, and varied prey. While it may have some repetitive elements and a potential difficulty spike, its core gameplay and progression system make it a standout title in the world of mobile gaming.

