Call of Dragons

Call of Dragons
Android Ios
  • Category


  • Version

  • Updated Date

    Nov 8, 2023

  • Size

    1.1 GB

  • Category


  • Version


  • Updated Date

    Nov 15, 2023

  • Size

    2.3 GB




"Call of Dragons" is an immersive game that transports players into a realm teeming with majestic dragons, quests, and adventures. Mastering the mechanics and strategies is essential for success in this fantastical world. Here's a comprehensive guide to aid you in your journey:

In "Call of Dragons," dragons often possess diverse elemental attributes, such as fire, ice, wind, or more. Each element can have strengths and weaknesses against others. Understanding these traits is crucial for battles. Some dragons may excel against specific elements while being vulnerable to others. Strategize your team formation and battle plan accordingly.

Create a balanced team by considering elemental strengths and weaknesses. Diversify your team with dragons specializing in offense, defense, and support. A well-rounded squad increases your versatility in battles and quests.

Regularly train and level up your dragons to enhance their abilities and stats. Stronger dragons perform better in battles and help tackle more challenging quests. Allocate resources wisely to focus on leveling up essential dragons for your playstyle.

Efficiently manage in-game resources like currency, items, and upgrade materials. Prioritize spending on vital upgrades or items that align with your gameplay strategy. Completing quests or participating in events often rewards resources necessary for progression.

Leverage elemental advantages by using dragons with elements strong against your opponents. Exploit weaknesses to gain an edge in battles. Understand the elemental matchups to optimize your team's performance.

Participate in daily tasks and quests to earn rewards and experience points. These routine activities provide resources essential for progression. Completing quests also aids in leveling up dragons and unlocking new features.

Consider joining guilds or alliances within the game. Collaborating with other players offers benefits such as shared knowledge, support, and collective achievements. Team up for group challenges or quests to gain additional rewards.

Events and tournaments often introduce unique challenges and exclusive rewards. Actively participate as they provide limited-time opportunities to earn rare items and gain substantial progress.

During battles, strategically choose your dragons and their abilities. Utilize powerful attacks at opportune moments or against opponents vulnerable to specific abilities. Adapt your tactics based on the strengths and weaknesses of your adversaries.

Stay informed about game updates, patches, and new features. Developers frequently introduce new dragons, events, or adjustments that can impact gameplay strategies. Adapting to these changes can be crucial for staying competitive.

If the game involves microtransactions, spend wisely. Ensure that any purchases align with your gameplay goals or significantly enhance your gaming experience.

"Call of Dragons" offers an enthralling journey into a world filled with dragons and quests. Mastering elemental advantages, strategic team-building, and effective resource management are key to success. Embrace challenges, engage with the game community, and adapt your strategies to conquer quests and battles in this fantastical realm.

