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Evony The King's Return is a popular strategy game that has captured the attention of gamers all over the world. It's a game that requires strategic thinking, planning and execution, and players must be able to adapt quickly to different situations in order to succeed. In this article, we'll be discussing some tips, tricks and strategies that players can use to improve their gameplay and become more successful in Evony The King's Return.

One of the most important aspects of Evony The King's Return is building a strong economy. This means building farms, sawmills, quarries, and mines to gather resources like food, wood, stone, and iron. Players must also build marketplaces to trade resources with other players and to sell excess resources for gold.

To build an effective economy, players should focus on upgrading their resource buildings as quickly as possible. They should also research technologies that increase resource production and reduce building costs. Additionally, players should consider joining an alliance to share resources and collaborate on building projects.

Having a powerful army is essential in Evony The King's Return, as players must defend their cities from enemy attacks and invade other cities to expand their territory. To train a powerful army, players must build barracks, stables, archery ranges, and siege workshops. They must also research technologies that improve troop training times and combat effectiveness.

Players should focus on training a balanced army that includes infantry, cavalry, archers, and siege weapons. They should also consider the strengths and weaknesses of different troop types and tailor their army composition to suit different situations. For example, cavalry is strong against archers but weak against pikemen, while archers are strong against pikemen but weak against cavalry.

Evony The King's Return offers a variety of events and quests that players can participate in to earn rewards and gain experience. These events include daily quests, alliance quests, resource gathering events, and combat events. Players can earn gold, resources, equipment, and other valuable items by completing these events.

To maximize their rewards, players should participate in as many events as possible and complete them quickly. They should also pay attention to event requirements and tailor their gameplay to meet those requirements. For example, if an event requires players to gather a certain amount of wood, players should focus on building sawmills and upgrading them to increase wood production.

Joining an alliance is a great way for players to collaborate with other players, share resources, and defend against enemy attacks. Players can join existing alliances or create their own alliance.

When choosing an alliance, players should look for active and experienced members who are willing to share resources and collaborate on building projects. They should also consider the alliance's location and its relationship with other alliances in the area. Additionally, players should be prepared to contribute to the alliance by participating in alliance quests, defending alliance members, and attacking enemy cities.

Gems are an important currency in Evony The King's Return that can be used to speed up building and research times, purchase resources, and buy equipment. Players can earn gems by completing quests, events, and achievements, or they can purchase them with real money.

To use gems wisely, players should prioritize spending gems on things that will have a long-term benefit, such as speeding up research times for important technologies or purchasing resources that are needed to build a new building. They should also avoid spending gems on things that can be obtained through normal gameplay, such as speeding up troop training times.

Evony The King's Return is a complex game that requires strategic thinking, planning and execution, and players must be able to adapt quickly to different situations in order to succeed. By building an effective economy, training a powerful army, participating in events and quests, joining an alliance, and using gems wisely, players can improve their gameplay and become more successful in Evony The King's Return.

