City Smash

City Smash
Android Ios
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  • Updated Date

    Oct 10, 2023

  • Size

    78.64 MB

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  • Version


  • Updated Date

    Jul 26, 2023

  • Size

    185.5 MB




City Smash is an exciting mobile game that offers players a chance to unleash their destructive creativity by taking control of giant monsters and wreaking havoc on virtual cities. Developed by Devastator, the game combines strategy, destruction, and city-building in a unique and engaging package. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore strategies to help you become a master of destruction, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the game, and highlight the key features that set City Smash apart from other mobile games.

City Smash invites players to become colossal monsters and wreak havoc in a virtual city. To succeed in your destructive mission, you'll need to consider various strategies:

Choose your monster wisely: Each monster in City Smash has unique abilities and characteristics. Some monsters excel at melee attacks, while others have powerful ranged abilities. Select the monster that matches your preferred playstyle and the city's challenges.

Plan your rampage: Before charging into a city, take a moment to assess the situation. Look for heavily fortified buildings, strategic targets, and areas with a high concentration of resources that you can consume to regain health and energy.

Prioritize targets: Focus on destroying critical targets like power plants and communication towers. Disabling these structures can weaken the city's defenses and hinder their ability to respond to your rampage.

Energy management: Keep an eye on your monster's energy level. Your special abilities and devastating attacks consume energy. Use them strategically and consider consuming energy resources in the city to replenish your power.

Evade and counterattack: While you're causing chaos, expect resistance from the city's defenders. Dodge incoming missiles and projectiles, and counterattack when you have the opportunity. Be aware of your surroundings and keep moving to avoid taking excessive damage.

Upgrade your monster: As you progress in the game, you can earn resources that allow you to upgrade your monster's abilities, health, and energy. Invest in upgrades to become even more destructive.

Complete missions: City Smash offers various missions that provide rewards upon completion. These missions often guide you to specific targets and encourage diverse styles of play.

City Smash, like any game, has its strengths and weaknesses. Here's an overview of what makes the game enjoyable and where it may have room for improvement:


Unique concept: City Smash offers a refreshing and unique concept of allowing players to take on the role of destructive monsters, which is a stark departure from traditional mobile games.

Destructive fun: The game's destruction mechanics are satisfying and offer a unique sense of empowerment as you smash buildings, vehicles, and military defenses.

Strategy elements: City Smash encourages players to think strategically about how to cause the most chaos and complete objectives effectively.

Upgrades and progression: The game provides a sense of progression through monster upgrades and mission completion, keeping players engaged.

Regular updates: Devastator frequently updates the game with new monsters, city environments, and gameplay improvements.


Repetitiveness: Some players may find the core gameplay loop of destroying cities somewhat repetitive, especially when playing for an extended period.

Limited variation: While the game offers different monsters, more variations in monster abilities and city layouts would enhance the gameplay experience.

In-app purchases: City Smash includes in-app purchases, which can be used to speed up progression or unlock new monsters. This may not be appealing to players looking for a fully free experience.

What sets City Smash apart from other mobile games? Here are the standout features that make the game a must-try:

Destructive creativity: City Smash empowers players to unleash their inner monster and create chaos, making it a unique and enjoyable experience.

Strategic element: The game encourages players to think strategically about the destruction process, prioritizing targets, and managing resources effectively.

Upgrades and progression: As you continue to play, you can upgrade your monster, making it more formidable and providing a sense of achievement.

Regular updates: Devastator's dedication to regular updates keeps the game fresh and offers new content for players to explore.

Satisfying destruction: The destruction mechanics are deeply satisfying, and players can revel in demolishing entire cityscapes.

City Smash offers a unique and engaging experience where players can embrace their inner monsters and wreak havoc in virtual cities. While the game may have room for improvement in terms of variation and repetition, its innovative concept, strategic gameplay elements, and regular updates make it a standout in the mobile gaming world. So, step into the oversized shoes of a destructive giant, demolish cities, and experience the thrill of causing chaos with City Smash.

